Basic reborn - PostMortem


as a text based adventure  game overall i was quite happy with the outcome.

the only issue I created myself was trying to change some code to be not hard coded but in a class based system, and it came out horribly and is riddled with errors which i need to fix. to made the game more visually pleasing i could of added more art based assets and have more effects for the player to see. but too keep the game like the original I kept it as a text based adventure. (which i now regret.) 

I have added a list of the actions you can do in game. (in photo)

Next time i would have done a lot differently,  i would have created the class based system from the ground up to make my life a lot easier down the line. with the creation of this project. the part  i am mainly happy with was the room and movement system the rest could be overhauled and changed to a better less complex system. I tried to cover a lot of based with error messages. but i believe this made my code look clunky and miss-coded.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


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